The Ezmap Database Editor

David J. Kennison
NCAR, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000

Table of Contents


The Ezmap database editor deals with map databases of the sort used by the EZMAPB routines that were introduced in 1998: "Earth..1", "Earth..2", "Earth..3", and "Earth..4". (There exist editable versions of the older databases, too; each has a name beginning with "Earth..0".)

This document is written mostly in the style of a tutorial. There is a "Command Summary" near the end of it that attempts to be a sort of reference manual, but, for certain commands, all that you will find there is a link back into the body of the tutorial.

I have no idea how long it might take someone to learn how to use the editor effectively. When I began writing it, I was still editing the map databases using a text editor and my goal was to do the editing in an easier and more visual way. Over the years since then, it has accrued many different features, but it perhaps suffers a little from not having been designed as a whole. If you attempt to use this document to master the editor, please let me know how it goes.

Compiling the Editor

The editor is written mostly in Fortran, but it includes some C routines, as well. To create a binary version of it, execute the following commands (first using the links to download the required source files):

  ncargcc -c PngAccess.c
  ncargcc -c TerminalInput.c
  ncargf77 -o EditEzmapData EditEzmapData.f PngAccess.o TerminalInput.o
Note: The above assumes that the "libpng" and "libz" support libraries are available. If NCAR Graphics has been installed in such a way that "ncargcc" and "ncargf77" don't know about them, you will have to modify the above commands appropriately (and you may have to install those libraries yourself).

Also, if you wish to access the RANGS/GSHHS database (which I highly recommend), you will have to download the appropriate files and edit the subroutine RNGSDI, in "EditEzmapData.f", to tell the editor the name of the directory in which you have put the files. For more information about downloading this database, look in the NCL documentation or go directly to the website of Rainer Feistel, who created it. In the interest of brevity, I will hereafter refer to this as just the "RANGS database", even though it builds on the work of Paul Wessel and Walter Smith, who created the GSHHS database and certainly deserve equal credit.

Executing the Editor

Before executing the editor, download one or more of the Ezmap databases listed below, using the links provided:
  Earth..4: our latest and greatest database ...

  Recent databases, all (unfortunately) using the same, somewhat erroneous, coast lines:

  Earth..1: the oldest EZMAPB database
  Earth..2: Earth..1 plus US counties, Mexican states, and Canadian provinces
  Earth..3: like Earth..2, but with US climate zones instead of counties

  Also available, but rather dated now:

  Earth..0-CO: EZMAPB version of the old 'CO' database, with area names added
  Earth..0-PO: EZMAPB version of the old 'PO' database, with area names added
  Earth..0-PS: EZMAPB version of the old 'PS' database, with area names added
  Earth..0-US: EZMAPB version of the old 'US' database, with area names added
Note: Throughout this tutorial, I use either "Earth..1" or "Earth..4" for my examples, so I recommend downloading at least those two. The former is the shortest and simplest of the modern databases, but the latter is a lot more interesting (and up-to-date).

Now, execute the editor binary by typing the command

The editor first does a simple check to make sure that X11 is active and, if not, exits with an error message. If all goes well, it asks for the name of the ASCII file containing the database to be edited. Type the name, followed by (RTRN).

Note: Throughout this document, I use the abbreviation (RTRN) to refer to the typing of a RETURN.

The editor then asks you if you want to "merge contiguous edge segments". Long boundary lines exist in the databases in segments of no more than 100 lat/lon points apiece. The editor is asking whether, as it reads the data, it should merge segments that naturally fit together. There are certain partially-edited databases for which one would answer "N", but at this point it really won't make any difference, so answer "Y"; no (RTRN) is needed.

Note: Because the editor uses raw terminal input, you generally need a (RTRN) only after entering a character string or a number. This speeds things up a lot, but it can be a little startling when you first begin. Another side effect is that, if you tell the editor to do something unwise (which can happen at first), and you decide you want to kill it, the usual Unix tricks that kill a program probably won't work (or, if they do, they'll leave the terminal window unusable), so you'll probably have to kill the window entirely and start over in a new one.

The editor should then read all the data from the specified file (reporting to you, as it does so, how many "areas", "edges", and "points" it finds), create an X11 "display" window with an initial view of the database, in cylindrical equidistant projection, and ask for your first command:

  Enter command (H for Help, Q for Quit):
You should resize the display window, arrange for both it and the original "command" window to be entirely visible, and make sure the command window is the active one before entering a command.

There is a viewport in the display window containing a sparsely-labeled grid, in yellow, overlaid with geopolitical outlines, in white. The center of the viewport is marked by a thick gray circle and two numbers, also in gray: the upper number is the latitude of the center point and the lower number is its longitude. There is a green label above the viewport, telling you the name of the database and the "level" at which you are viewing it (of which more later).

From this point on, you type commands in the command window and observe the effects of them in the display window.

Note: The editor is designed to hold all the data in memory at once, so you need a fairly fast and powerful workstation. I'm currently using either a 2.5 GHz MacBook Pro or a 3.06 GHz iMac; each has 4GB of memory; one has a 250GB, and the other a 500GB, hard drive. There is an upper limit on how much you can edit at once; the upper limits are set in PARAMETER statements in the code and are now pretty large, but still finite. It's also helpful to have a large display surface, particularly if you're georeferencing PNG files: my iMac has 1920x1200 pixels and I use every bit of that.

Exiting the Editor

The first thing to learn is how to exit: the command is "Q" ("Quit"); the editor asks if you really want to quit and you have to answer "Y" if you do. As you might guess, this feature was implemented after a few disastrous accidents.

Note: You can generally type editor commands and simple "yes" or "no" responses in upper or lower case. Character strings representing names of files and areas, though, have to make correct use of upper and lower case.

Getting Help

To list the main menu, showing all the available top-level commands, type "H" ("Help"); you should get the following response:

  Available commands are as follows:
    A => change info for picked Area
    B => change Background flag
    C => Check for errors and mark them
    D => change Dataset viewed
    E => Edit dataset in some way
    F => toggle Fill on/off
    G => toggle Grid on/off
    H => Help
    I => change Identifiers of picked edge
    L => change Level of area fill and editing
    M => Move center point
    N => write a frame to the NCGM
    O => Output edges to a named file
    P => Pick a point, an edge, and/or an area
    Q => Quit
    R => Read data (from background or from file)
    S => Show a particular area
    U => Update the display
    V => change miscellaneous Variables
    W => Write an updated copy of the dataset
    X => eXamine various dataset parameters
    Z => Zoom in/out toward/from center point
  The center point is gray.  The perimeter of the
  picked area is pink, the picked edge is red, and
  the picked point magenta.  A, E, and I commands
  make changes in the picked point and/or edge.
  Enter command (H for Help, Q for Quit):
Some of these commands (like "U") have an immediate effect (like updating the display) and leave the editor expecting another top-level command, but many of them cause the listing of a secondary menu and leave the editor expecting a command from that menu. Some commands involve even lower-level menus and some precipitate an interactive dialog. Usually, from one of the lower-level menus, you can just type (RTRN) to go back to the main menu without having changed anything.

The editor is pretty chatty about telling you what's going on (and you can't tell it to shut up - it doesn't have a non-verbose mode).

Writing an Edited Database File

The next command to learn is "W" ("Write"), which is used to write a new file containing the edited database. The editor asks you a couple of questions: First, do you want to "include edges of type 0"? There will be edges of this type to worry about only if you imported data (which are considered to be of type 0) but did not finish incorporating them into the database; for the moment, just answer "N". (If you answered "Y", it would then ask you if you wanted to write only edges of type 0; frankly, I can't remember why I put that feature in, but you would probably just answer "N".) It then writes a file and tells you what name it used.

When I did this just now, it used "Earth..1..1"; if I did it again, it would use "Earth..1..2", "Earth..1..3", ... "Earth..1.10", "Earth..1.11", and so on, through "Earth..1.99". (After that, it gives up and writes a file named "Earth..1.00" (overwriting any existing file having that name); you should never let the number of backup files get that big.)

My Standard Backup Procedure

The editor can never be made to overwrite the original file or any previously-written file; it always writes a new file with a suffixed counter. So, my backup procedure is as follows:

Using an Edited Database File

Once editing is complete, you derive from the edited file the binary files actually used by NCAR Graphics by running a couple of programs that you create using the following commands:

  ncargf77 -o WriteLineFile WriteLineFile.f
  ncargf77 -o WriteNameFile WriteNameFile.f
When you execute "WriteLineFile", it asks you for the name of the edited ASCII database it is to process and then writes a binary file containing "line" information.

"WriteNameFile" is similar, but writes "name" information.

Executing each of these on the input file "Earth..1" creates "Earth..1.lines" and "Earth..1.names".

Now, you can use these files with NCAR Graphics. Here, for example, is the command necessary to compile a simple interactive program allowing you to take a quick look at an Ezmap database you've just edited:

  ncargf77 -o EarthQuickLook EarthQuickLook.f
When you execute "EarthQuickLook", it first asks for the name of an Ezmap map database and then for values of parameters telling it how to initialize Ezmap to produce the view that you want. Here's a sample dialog. I've set it up to produce a "gmeta", but you can easily modify it to produce a PDF file. There are two frames: a simple map and a color-filled one.

Some Additional (Optional) Steps

Once you have created the ".lines" and ".names" files, you can, if you wish, create a ".areas" file by running a third program, which you create with the following command:

    ncargf77 -o WriteAreaFile WriteAreaFile.f
When you execute "WriteAreaFile", it asks you for the name of the edited ASCII database it is to process and then appears to have gone into an infinite loop. After a rather long time, it should finish writing a file that NCAR Graphics uses only in a pathological situation (when a user has tried to display an area so small that no boundary lines are visible).

(I executed the command on my 3.06 GHz iMac and gave it the name "Earth..1"; it took a bit more than 15 minutes to create the file "Earth..1.areas". Then, I used "Earth..4" to create "Earth..4.areas" and it took about an hour and ten minutes. So, "WriteAreaFile" is a real time burner.)

See comments at the beginning of the Fortran source file for information about what it's writing.

You don't have to create the ".areas" file, but, if you do, you might also be interested in a couple of other programs.

The first program is created by the command

    ncargf77 -o WriteAreaNcgm WriteAreaNcgm.f
and creates a "gmeta" containing plots that one can use to verify correctness of the information in a ".areas" file. I won't bother to explain in detail here what these plots mean; see the commenting in the Fortran source file for a quick explanation. Suffice it to say that they are cell-array displays of the globe, as represented by the information in the ".areas" file, at increasing levels of detail.

The second program is created by the command

    ncargf77 -o WriteAreaSize WriteAreaSize.f
and is best executed using a command like

    echo input_file_name | WriteAreaSize > output_file_name
(The "input_file_name" is something like "Earth..1", with no suffixed ".areas".)

What you will find in the output file is a list of estimates of the sizes of the various areas defined by the input file, in square kilometers. These estimates are not particularly accurate (for one thing, they don't take into account that the earth is an oblate spheroid instead of a sphere), but, for the dataset "Earth..4", they aren't too far off from what you would find in a source like "Wikipedia". The areas are listed in the order defined by the database, but you can use your favorite editor or Unix tools to put them in a more sensible order and add commenting: here's an example for "Earth..4".

Another curious program is one created using the following command:

    ncargf77 -o ExamineSquares ExamineSquares.f
When you execute "ExamineSquares", it asks for the name of an edited ASCII database, reads it, and uses the information from it to create a "gmeta" containing a number of plots showing, in finer and finer detail, how many points of that database lie in each of a grid of squares covering the lat/lon representation of the globe.

Basic Zoom and Move Commands

Now, I'll try to describe how one moves the viewport in the display window relative to the database being viewed. To do this, you use the commands "Z" ("Zoom") and "M" ("Move").

Zoom Commands - In and Out

Get back into the editor and tell it to edit "Earth..1". When the X11 display window comes up, position it and resize it, transfer focus back to the command window, and then type a "Z" ("Zoom"). It prompts you to tell it whether you want to zoom in or out. Type an "I" ("In") and observe what happens: what is now shown in the viewport in the display window is centered at the same latitude and longitude, but the part of the globe you see is half as wide and half as high as that in the previous view. Type another "ZI" ("Zoom In") and you'll see a change in the grid: In addition to yellow lines at 10-degree intervals, there are now red lines at 1-degree intervals. As you continue to zoom in, grid lines in other colors appear at 1/10th-degree intervals, 1/100th-degree intervals, and 1/1000th-degree intervals. Try some "ZO" ("Zoom Out") commands, as well.

Zooming one step at a time can become annoying, so there's a shortcut: if you type a "Z" ("Zoom"), followed by a digit between "1" and "9", and then an "I" ("In") or an "O" ("Out"), the view zooms in or out by the number of steps specified by the digit you entered.

Move Commands - Left, Right, Down, Up

Type an "M" ("Move") and you are given a number of choices: if you type an "L" ("Left"), an "R" ("Right"), a "D" ("Down"), or a "U" ("Up"), the view moves in the chosen direction; the new center point is on the edge of the previous view.

If you type an "M" followed by a single digit between "0" and "9" and then one of "L", "R", "D", or "U", the center of the view is moved in the chosen direction (left, right, down, or up), by an amount specified by the digit, but the size of the move is counterintuitive: If "I" is the value of the digit, then the size of the move is 1/(2**I) times the half-width or half-height of the viewport: using "0" moves the view all the way to the edge, using "1" moves half-way to the edge, using "2" moves one-quarter of the way to the edge, and so on. It may take a little while to get used to this, so you should play with it for a bit.

Note that the size of a move, in degrees, depends on the zoom level. To position the center of the viewport more precisely, zoom in further.

Move Commands - Coordinates

Typing an "M" ("Move") followed by a "C" ("Coordinates") allows you to enter a desired latitude, followed by (RTRN), and then a desired longitude, followed by another (RTRN). In either case, if you just type (RTRN) without typing the latitude or longitude, it continues using the previous value.

Note: In general, when it's asking for a new value of a given variable, that's how the editor behaves: if you just hit (RTRN), it uses the value it was previously using for that variable. If you accidentally get into a dialog involving the entering of several numbers, you can usually just hit (RTRN) until it stops asking for more numbers, and you will have changed nothing.

Move Commands - Variables

Typing an "M" ("Move") followed by a "V" ("Variables") allows you to change, not just the latitude and longitude, but all three of the variables that determine what part of the globe you're looking at and its magnification, as well as a couple of others that have more to do with data entry and are described later. For more information, look here.

Move Commands - Area Names

Most of the other possible ways to use the "M" command are for use while editing and will be described later. However, you might, at this point, want to try an "M" ("Move"), followed by an A ("Area"), followed by an "N" ("Name"), followed by the name (case matters) of an area that you want to find (like "Maine" or "Egypt"), followed by (RTRN). If it finds an area with the given name, it gives you information about that area and then asks you if that's the area you want to move to. If you answer "Y", it positions the view so that the chosen area just fits in the viewport; if you answer "N", it tries to find another area with the same name. For example, if you look for "Maine", it gives you the following:

  Area found - definition is as follows:
    Index:              904 
    Type:                 4 
    Color:                4 
    Parent:             985 
    Full name: Land - North America - United States - Conterminous US - Maine
I will try to explain in detail, as I go along, what all this means and how it is used; for the moment, suffice it to say that the state of Maine exists in the database "Earth..1" with area identifier "904", it is a type "4" entity (a state), it has a suggested color index of "4", it is part of a "parent" entity with area identifier "985", and its full name is "Land - North America - United States - Conterminous US - Maine", each part of which is the name of an entity contained in the entity whose name precedes it: "Land" is the name for all land masses, "North America" is one of those land masses, "United States" is a portion of "North America", "Conterminous US" is a portion of "United States" (the so-called "lower 48") and "Maine" is a portion of that.

Some Other Simple Commands

The "G" ("Grid") command just toggles the grid on and off (because sometimes you need it and sometimes it's just in the way).

Similarly, the "F" ("Fill") command toggles solid fill on and off. As a side effect, if fill is on, the names of areas are written on the map. (Try this while you're looking at "Maine" - use "MANMaine(RTRN)", as described above, to get there - and you see a flaw: Maine is labeled all right, but the label for "Canada" is mispositioned; this is because it's written at a lat/lon obtained by averaging the lats and lons of all the points of its boundary that are visible in the current view, and that happens to be somewhere over Maine.) Another feature of the color fill is that it is only attempted when you're looking at a small enough area (as defined by a user-settable parameter), so, as you zoom out, the fill spontaneously turns off at some point.

The "N" ("NCGM") command writes the current view to an NCGM called "gmeta" that is not finalized until one exits from the editor, at which point it contains multiple frames, each the result of issuing a particular "N" command. (I put this in so as to be able to easily get snapshots of areas of interest.)

Similarly, an "O" ("Output") command is used to write coordinate information for edges visible in the viewport (and clipped by it) to an ASCII output file with a name of your choosing (which it asks you to supply). Unlike the output from "N" commands, the output from each "O" command is in a separate file by itself. I put this in because, sometimes, people want excerpts of our data, for a given area, in a human-readable (as well as machine-readable) format. Here's an example (created from "Earth..4"), called India.out.

Note: If you want a graphical view of an outline file written by an "O" command, you can use a program called "ExamineOutlineFile". Download it using the link below and compile it using the command

  ncargf77 -o ExamineOutlineFile ExamineOutlineFile.f
When you execute "ExamineOutlineFile", it asks you for the name of the outline file it is to read and then writes a "gmeta" displaying its contents. You can modify the program to produce other types of graphical output; here's a PDF file produced from India.out (as mentioned above).

The "U" ("Update") command just redraws the display. This was put in mostly because iconifying the display window and then enlarging it again leaves it empty, but there are certain other times when it's useful to be able to refresh the display.

The "D" ("Database") command is used to switch to editing a different Ezmap database, but it isn't really all that useful when you're actually editing. I put it in mostly for those times when I'm using "N" commands to create more than one view of a particular area in a "gmeta". I can, for example, fire up the editor on "Earth..1", position it over a particular area (say, the "Conterminous US"), use an "N" command to put a picture of that in "gmeta", use a "D" command to switch to "Earth..2", and then use another "N" command to put another picture in "gmeta", thus illustrating the different versions of the area in the two databases.

The "V" ("Variables") command, like the "MV" ("Move Variables") command, is used to change the values of internal variables of the editor. First, the editor tells you the current values of a group of variables. It then prompts you to enter new values of those variables, one at a time. If you just hit (RTRN) at a given prompt, the value is not changed. If you enter a value that gives a Fortran error (like "TRQ" instead of "541"), you are asked to re-enter the value. If you enter new values for one or more of the variables, you see the effect when the display is next redrawn.

The Structure of a Map Database File

To use the editor effectively, you need to understand the structure of a map database file and the topological construct it defines.

A map database file is in ASCII and contains many lines of text, which are grouped into logical records. The logical records at the beginning of the file describe "edges" and the remainder describe "areas".

Note: Due to the way in which the design of the editor evolved over time, there are some inconsistencies in terminology with respect to the files derived from the database for direct use by Ezmap (mentioned above in the section Using an Edited Database File): What goes into a ".lines" file is "edge" information and what goes into a ".names" file is "area" information, while a ".areas" file contains a different sort of information about the areas defined by the database. By the time I realized that these inconsistencies had developed, it was too late to do anything about them without causing serious disruption (and, at that time, the editor was not a public tool).

"Edge" Records

Try looking at "Earth..1" with your favorite text editor; its first logical record consists of these three lines:

  12   1   2  39 -74.00000 -74.67000-108.00000-109.50000
 -74.67000-108.50000 -74.50000-109.50000 -74.00000-109.50000 -74.00000-108.33000
 -74.33000-108.00000 -74.67000-108.50000
The "12" on the first line says that the logical record contains twelve real numbers defining the lat/lon coordinates of the points of the edge. (So, in this case, there are six such points; in other logical records, this number may be as large as 200, meaning that there are 100 such points.)

The "1" is the "type" of the edge: the value 1 says that it is part of a land/water boundary; a 2 would say that it is part of a land-mass boundary (e. g., between "Africa" and "Eurasia"); a 3, that it is part of a national boundary (e. g., between "Iran" and "Iraq"); a 4, that it is part of a state or provincial boundary (e. g., between "Colorado" and "Wyoming" or between "Alberta" and "British Columbia"); and a 5, that it is a county-level boundary (e. g., between "Cerro Gordo" and "Floyd" counties, in Iowa).

The "2" and the "39" are "area identifiers" for the areas to the left and to the right of the edge, respectively (where "left" and "right" are defined from the standpoint of an imaginary observer walking along the edge in the direction in which it is defined). "Area identifiers" are really indices into a list of named areas defined by the records at the end of the file. In this case, "2" is the index of an area called "Ocean" and "39" that of an area called "Bear Island".

The last four (real) numbers on the first line specify a bounding box for the edge: its largest and smallest latitude and its largest and smallest longitude, in that order.

The numbers in the remainder of the logical record specify lat/lon coordinates of the points of the edge. Each line defines four points except for the last, which may define fewer than four, but not less than one. No more than one hundred points may be defined in a single logical record.

The last edge record is followed by this exact line:

   0   0   0   0   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000
Note: The first line of each "edge" record is read using the Fortran format "(4I4,4F10.5)" and the remaining lines are read using an "(8F10.5)".

"Area" Records

Following the edge records are lines like this (again, these come from "Earth..1"):

   1 2 7  989 Antarctica
   2 2 1 1032 Ocean
   3 3 6  986 Russia
   4 3 6    3 Wrangel Island
   5 4 3   11 Adak Island
1084 3 4   69 Maldives
1085 3 4  128 Arquipelago dos Bijagos
1086 4 2  985 District of Columbia
Each line is a single logical record containing descriptors for one of the areas defined by the edges in the file. The first number in each record is the "area identifier" for the area; in the "Earth..x" files, it increments by one from each record to the next, but in partially-edited files, this may not be the case. The second number is the "area type" (1 for "Land" or "Water", 2 for a specific body of land or water, 3 for a country, 4 for a state or province, and 5 for a county). The third number is between 1 and 8 and specifies a suggested color for the area. The fourth number is the index of the area's "parent". Following the fourth number is the name of the area.

The last line of the file looks exactly like this:

   0 0 0    0
Note: Each "area" record is read using the Fortran format "(I4,2I2,I5,1X,A64)".

Database Topology


The edges in a database represent geopolitical boundaries. They are permitted to join only at their end points. The point at which two edges join must have precisely identical lat/lon coordinates on both edges. An edge is forbidden to cross itself or any other edge.

The "type" of an edge may be thought of as a "level" - and, in fact, there is an "L" ("Level") command that makes use of them to allow you to view (and, to a limited extent, edit) a database at different levels. If you view a database at level N, you are using edges having types numerically less than or equal to N. (It isn't literally true, but you can think of the database as having been constructed by first putting in all the type 1 edges, then all the type 2 edges, and so on, through type 5, at each step breaking previously-inserted edges into smaller pieces as necessary to provide join points for the new ones.)

The edge types are as follows:

Note that an edge acting as part of a boundary at more than one level has a type equal to the smallest number that applies. (For example, an edge on the coastline of Maine has a type of 1, even though it is simultaneously part of a land/water boundary, a national boundary, a state boundary, and a county boundary.) It is this constraint that allows the database to be used at five different levels.


The areas defined by a database represent geopolitical entities, some of which may be subdivided into geopolitical entities of equal or lesser size. An example of such areas being of equal size is "(Tibet)", which is treated as a subdivision of the Chinese province of "Xizang", but is identical to it, thus providing alternate names for the area.

Areas need not be simply connected (or even connected) in the topological sense: for example, the area known as "Galapagos Islands" consists of a number of disconnected islands and the area known as "Africa" both includes a number of off-shore islands and has "holes" (lakes) in it.

The "type" of an area depends on its nature, as follows:

The Area Hierarchy

The "parent" indices create the hierarchical structure of the areas defined by the database. For example, in "Earth..1", area number 904 is of type 4 and is named "Maine". Its parent is number 985, which is of type 3 and named "Conterminous US". The parent of that area is number 1058, which is also of type 3 and is named "United States". The parent of that area is number 542, which is of type 2 and is named "North America". The parent of that area is number 989, which is of type 1 and is named "Land". "Land" has a zero parent index, which says that it has no parent.

An area of type N may not have a parent of type greater than N: as you follow the chain of parent indices, you must encounter types of equal or lesser value. Equal values allow one to create group names: for example, the area named "Santa Catalina Island" is part of the area named "Channel Islands", which is the parent of several other islands and is part of the area named "California"; all of these areas are of type 4 (state level). Equal values also allow one to create alternate names, an example of which was given above: the area named "Xizang" is the parent of the one named "(Tibet)" and the area type of both is 4 (province level).

An edge of type N may only serve as part of the boundary of an area of type greater than or equal to N. The indices for the areas to its left and right must refer to the two areas in the hierarchy that have the edge as part of their boundaries and have the largest area types. For example, in "Earth..4", an edge along the boundary between the US and Canada has an edge type of 3, because it is part of a country boundary, but it has area indices for a US county (at level 5) on one side and a Canadian province (at level 4) on the other. The indices for areas above them in the hierarchy (the US and Canada, for example) may be found, when necessary, by following chains of parent indices.

There is more than one way to arrange areas in a hierarchy. What I have chosen to do is, in many cases, a compromise. Consider, for example, the curious case of Borneo, whose territory is shared by Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia: The command "MANBorneo(RTRN)" ("Move Area Named Borneo") offers you three possibilities, each of which is just a portion of Borneo; there is no single area for the entire island of Borneo, such as there is for the island of Java. Similar problems arise for the islands of New Guinea and Timor. For some purposes, an S ("Show") command may be useful, since it works in a little different way.

Area Colors

It is your responsibility to choose color indices for new areas in such a way as to ensure that no two adjacent areas at a given level have the same color. The "CF ("Check Fill") command can be used at each of the five different levels to help you find violations of this rule.

Any area whose parent has the same area type (saying that it is at the same level in the area hierarchy) must also have the same color index.

The "EA" ("Edit Areas") command was intended to make it easier to specify area colors (as well as other area descriptors), but the increasing complexity of the databases has made it a bit problematical to use.

Hierarchical Lists of Area Names

To see the complete hierarchical structure of "Earth..1", "Earth..2", "Earth..3", and "Earth..4", follow links from the section of the Ezmap programmer document called "AREA IDENTIFIERS".

To create your own list of the hierarchical names of all the areas defined by a particular database (including one that you have edited), with an index, a type, a color index, and a parent index for each, you can download and compile the following two programs:

    ncargf77 -o WriteNameList WriteNameList.f
    ncargf77 -o WrapLines WrapLines.f
and then run a command like

    WriteNameList < Earth..1 | sort | WrapLines > ! Earth..1.nmlst
to get a file like Earth..1.nmlst.

The Unix command file WriteNameListFile can be used to make this slightly easier.

Here's another program that may be of (minute) interest:

    ncargf77 -o WriteNcargNames WriteNcargNames.f
It's just like "WriteNameList", but instead of expecting you to pipe in the ASCII form of the database, it asks you for the name of the database and then calls the Ezmap routine "MDLNRI" to read the required data from the ".lines" and ".names" files (so you can use it to get name information from a database inside the NCAR Graphics installation).

Some Simple Edit Commands

Most of the editing commands involve typing a sequence of characters, each of which, prior to the last, takes you one level deeper in a nested menu structure.

In general, unless you're inputting a file name or an area name, case doesn't matter: I show command characters in upper case, but they can be in lower case (and, in fact, I usually type them that way).

If you mistype one of the required characters, you can usually just use (RTRN) to terminate the command without doing anything: the editor's normal response to something it doesn't understand is to return to the topmost menu without doing anything. Sometimes you have to use more than one (RTRN).

Execute the editor. Tell it you want to edit "Earth..1" and that you do want to "merge contiguous edge segments". Type the command

  MANGalapagos Islands(RTRN)            ("Move to Area Named Galapagos Islands")
The editor responds with information about an area it knows about and asks you if this is the area you want. Answer "Y". Five of the Galapagos Islands, off the coast of Ecuador, should then appear in the display. (There are actually more, but "Earth..1" only includes these five.)

Suppose you decide that the little blip on the north end of the easternmost island looks wrong. (I have no good reason to suppose that this is true, but it makes a good example.)

To change it, the first thing you have to do is put that island somewhere near the center of the viewport. In this case, you can do that with one command:

  MR                                                              ("Move Right")
The second thing you have to do is to "pick" the edge of the island.

Picking a Point, an Edge, and an Area

All edit commands operate on either a point, an edge, or an area that has been "picked" using one of the "P" ("Pick") commands. At the moment, nothing is picked, so issue a "PP" ("Pick Point") command to pick the point nearest the center of the display, the edge that contains it, and the area that contains the center point when the command is issued:

  PP                                                              ("Pick Point")
As a result of this command, the display window changes in various ways:

Suppose you wish to change the picked area from "Ocean" to "Isla San Cristobal". To do this, enter a "PA" ("Pick Area") command

  PA454(RTRN)                                                  ("Pick Area 454")
Note that the pink label at the bottom changes and that the other islands are no longer pink (because their boundaries are no longer part of the boundary of the picked area). If you turned fill on (with an "F" command), you'd see Isla San Cristobal in pink and one of the other islands in green.

Editing Single Points

Point editing is done using the "E" ("Edit") commands "ED" ("Edit Delete"), "EI" ("Edit Insert"), and "ER" ("Edit Replace").

You need a clear view of the picked items. With fill off (issue another "F", if necessary), zoom in three steps:

  Z3I                                                              ("Zoom 3 In")
At this point, you are zoomed in on the northern tip of Isla San Cristobal (the point that I have chosen to consider erroneous). The point at the tip is in magenta, indicating that it is the "picked" point. Each point of the edge is labeled with its latitude (the upper number) and its longitude (the lower number) and each segment of the edge is labelled with three numbers, telling you (from "top" to "bottom", as viewed in an upright position) the area identifier of the area to the left of the segment, the type of the edge, and the area identifier of the area to the right of the segment. The zoom level at which these labels appear is controlled by one of the internal variables that you can change with a "V" ("Variables") command.

Actually, it may be that not all points and edge segments are labeled, even if the viewport range is smaller than the threshold value. If the points of an edge are too close together in the viewport, labels may be omitted in an attempt to keep them from overlapping labels previously drawn. This can be confusing: as you zoom in, new point labels may appear for points that you didn't realize were there.

Move the viewport down a little:

  M2D                                                            ("Move 2 Down")
Suppose that the center point of the viewport is now approximately where you would like the picked point to be; all you want to do is change the coordinates of the picked point to the coordinates of the center of the viewport.

Replacing a Point

To replace the coordinates of the picked point, use the "ER" ("Edit Replace") command:

  ER                                                            ("Edit Replace")
The "blip" at the north end of Isla San Cristobal has disappeared, because you have moved the point that created it to a different position (the center of the viewport).

Deleting a Point

To delete the picked point, use the "ED" ("Edit Delete") command:

  ED                                                             ("Edit Delete")
The picked point is edited out of the picked edge and the picked point becomes the one that preceded it on the edge. The center of the viewport is left at the position of the deleted point so that, if desired, you can put it back in.

Inserting a Point

To insert a point following the picked point, use the "EI" ("Edit Insert") command:

  EI                                                             ("Edit Insert")
A point having the lat/lon coordinates of the center of the viewport is inserted following the picked point.

Moving to the Ends of the Picked Edge

Use the "MS" ("Move Start") command

  MS                                                              ("Move Start")
to move the center of the viewport to the "start" of the picked edge and make it the picked point.

The "ME" ("Move End") command

  ME                                                                ("Move End")
moves to the "end" of the picked edge and makes it the picked point. If you do either of these, you'll see that the point preceding the one you modified is at the beginning of the closed loop.

End Point Oddities

If you delete the end point of the picked edge, using

  ME                                                                ("Move End")
  ED                                                             ("Edit Delete")
you can easily put it back in with an immediate

  EI                                                             ("Edit Insert")
but if you delete the starting point of the picked edge, using

  MS                                                              ("Move Start")
  ED                                                             ("Edit Delete")
it's not so easy to put it back in, because I never provided a way to insert a new point preceding the picked point. However, if the end points of the edge have the same coordinates, there's a way to get around this, using a type of "pick" that will be discussed a couple of sections further on:

  MS                                                              ("Move Start")
  PE                                                                ("Pick End")
  EI                                                             ("Edit Insert")
which moves the center of the viewport to the starting point of the closed loop, making it the picked point, but then moves the picked point to the end of the edge (without moving the center of the viewport), and then does the insert. (Note that this doesn't quite restore the original definition of the closed loop: it now starts and ends at a different point.)

Note: There is a rather complicated general way to restore the deleted first point of any edge: see the "Command Summary" entry for ED.)

More Move Commands

Here are a couple of other "Move" commands that are useful:

The "MF" ("Move Forward") command

  MF                                                            ("Move Forward")
moves the center of the viewport to the point following the picked point on the picked edge and makes it the picked point.

The "MB" ("Move Backward") command

  MB                                                           ("Move Backward")
moves the center of the viewport to the point preceding the picked point on the picked edge and makes it the picked point.

Here's a case in which these commands appear not to have worked properly: If the end points of the edge have the same coordinates and the picked point is at the beginning of the edge and you move backward or the picked point is at the end of the edge and you move forward, then the picked point becomes the one at the other end of the edge, but it looks as if nothing happened, because the first and last points are at the same position. You sort of have to keep a mental picture of the edge to understand what's going on.

Other cases in which a "Move Forward" or "Move Backward" seem not to be working occur when importing digitized data (which I will describe later). Such data frequently have repeated points in them; the editor doesn't tell you about such repeated points; they make their presence known by their effect on "Move" commands. An even worse case is when the first and last points of a closed loop appear to be in the same position, because their lat/lon coordinates match to within machine epsilon, but they are actually slightly different; this can cause problems both for the editor's "Check" command (which looks for certain kinds of errors) and for Ezmap itself (in the form of "fill leakage").

More Pick Commands

The commands "PF" ("Pick Forward"), "PB" ("Pick Backward"), "PS" ("Pick Start"), and "PE" ("Pick End"):

  PF                                                            ("Pick Forward")
  PB                                                           ("Pick Backward")
  PS                                                              ("Pick Start")
  PE                                                                ("Pick End")
are used to pick a different point on the current picked edge without moving the center of the viewport to that point.

The command "PN" ("Pick Nearest"):

  PN                                                            ("Pick Nearest")
is just like "PP" ("Pick Point") in that it picks the point nearest the center point of the viewport, but it doesn't move the viewport.

The command "PO" ("Pick Off")

  PO                                                                ("Pick Off")
returns the editor to its default state, with nothing picked.

Using Numeric Modifiers

The commands

  MnF                                                         ("Move n Forward")
  MnB                                                        ("Move n Backward")
  PnF                                                         ("Pick n Forward")
  PnB                                                        ("Pick n Backward")
where "n" is a single digit from 1 through 9, are just like the commands without the inserted "n", but refer to a point "n" steps away along the picked edge. If that many steps would carry you past the first or last point of the edge, you'll end up at the other end of the edge, but not beyond. (For example, if you're three steps away from the end of the edge, both "M4F" and "M9F" move you to the beginning of the edge.)

Editing Edges

There are also editing commands that operate on picked edges, rather than on picked points. To see a list of them, enter the "EE" ("Edit Edge") command

  EE(RTRN)                                                         ("Edit Edge")
You'll see five possibilities, but the basic ones are "B", "C", and "D", which stand for "Break", "Create", and "Delete", respectively.

Creating an Edge

The "EEC" ("Edit Edge Create") command:

  EEC                                                       ("Edit Edge Create")
causes a new edge to be created, containing one point, at the position of the center point of the viewport. Try moving the viewport somewhere and doing the following:

  EEC                                                       ("Edit Edge Create")
  M3R                                                           ("Move 3 Right")
  EI                                                             ("Edit Insert")
  M3U                                                              ("Move 3 Up")
  EI                                                             ("Edit Insert")
  M3L                                                            ("Move 3 Left")
  EI                                                             ("Edit Insert")
  M3D                                                            ("Move 3 Down")
  EI                                                             ("Edit Insert")
You have created a little rectangular closed edge - a box - in the database.

Breaking an Edge

To break this edge into two pieces, use the "EEB" ("Edit Edge Break") command:

  MS                                                              ("Move Start")
  M2F                                                         ("Move 2 Forward")
  EEB                                                        ("Edit Edge Break")
The picked edge is broken into two edges at the picked point; the first of these is the picked edge.

Deleting an Edge

To get rid of the picked edge, use the "EED" ("Edit Edge Delete") command:

  EED                                                       ("Edit Edge Delete")
You are asked if you really want to delete the edge and must answer "Y"; anything else leaves the edge in the database.

Note: Be very careful in deleting edges, as there is no easy way to get a deleted edge back.

Observe that the remaining portion of the box is no longer picked and that it has turned green. This is because it is a newly-created edge with a line type of zero. Later, we'll see how to change that.

Get rid of the rest of the box you created with the commands

  PP                                                              ("Pick Point")
  EED                                                       ("Edit Edge Delete")
Obviously, there's a limit to how much editing of this sort one wants to do, because it's tedious and slow.

Importing Data

You can import geopolitical outlines in three ways:

Once you have imported the data in one of these three ways, you need to fix connectivity errors in it and supply the necessary descriptive information (line types, left and right area identifiers, area types, coloring information, names, and so on).

Note that ASCII output files produced by "O" ("Output") commands can be put through a relatively simple filter to produce ASCII input files. There are some extra lines in the output files, but the formats of the lines they have in common are the same.

ASCII Data Files

If you have obtained geopolitical outlines from some source and you want to import them into the editor and make them part of a map database usable with Ezmap, you must first reformat the data as indicated below and write them to an ASCII file. To import data from such a file, use the "RF" ("Read File") command:

  RF                                                               ("Read File")
The editor prompts you for the name of the file to be read. I will describe the format of the file by example. Here's one called New.Providence, containing outline data for an island in the Bahamas (called, oddly enough, "New Providence") that is more nearly correct than that used in the database "Earth..1". It also contains outline data for three nearby islands that aren't even in "Earth..1". In the interest of brevity, I have somewhat abbreviated what follows and annotated the lines; follow the link above to see the actual file.

Ocean                      <--  name of area on left                  +
New Providence Island      <--  name of area on right                 |
  -77.499542   25.000000   <--  lon/lat coordinates of 1st point      |
  -77.522171   25.001221   <--  lon/lat coordinates of 2nd point      | (edge 1)
   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...                                        |
  -77.499542   25.000000   <--  lon/lat coordinates of last point     |
                           <--  end of edge                           +
Paradise Island            <--  name of area on left                  +
Ocean                      <--  name of area on right                 |
  -77.353783   25.086670   <--  lon/lat coordinates of 1st point      |
  -77.347557   25.084610   <--  lon/lat coordinates of 2nd point      | (edge 2)
   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...                                        |
  -77.353783   25.086670   <--  lon/lat coordinates of last point     |
                           <--  end of edge                           +
Unnamed Island             <--  name of area on left                  +
Ocean                      <--  name of area on right                 |
  -77.302109   25.096640   <--  lon/lat coordinates of 1st point      |
  -77.295502   25.097080   <--  lon/lat coordinates of 2nd point      | (edge 3)
   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...                                        |
  -77.302109   25.096640   <--  lon/lat coordinates of last point     |
                           <--  end of edge                           +
                           <--  name of area on left (omitted)        +
Ocean                      <--  name of area on right                 |
  -77.245453   25.089140   <--  lon/lat coordinates of 1st point      |
  -77.237663   25.085421   <--  lon/lat coordinates of 2nd point      | (edge 4)
   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...                                        |
  -77.245453   25.089140   <--  lon/lat coordinates of last point     |
                           <--  end of edge (and end of file)         +
Each "edge" defined by the file consists of a line containing a name for the area to the left of the edge, a line containing a name for the area to the right of the edge, a series of lines in Fortran format "(2F12.6)" defining the coordinates of the points of the edge (which can be either in lat/lon order or in lon/lat order, but have to be in the same order for the whole file), and a blank line. The names must begin in column 1 and must not be more than 64 characters long. Each of the lines containing a name may be blank, if the name of the area is unknown: however, the blank lines must still be present.

Execute the editor, tell it you want to edit "Earth..1", and that you want to "merge contiguous edge segments". Then, execute the command

  MANNew Providence(RTRN)                  ("Move to Area Named New Providence")
and answer "Y" to the first (and only) choice offered.

Pick the edge defining the area (as well as the area itself and a point on the edge) using the command

  PN                                                            ("Pick Nearest")
The edge you want to replace is now highlighted in red. Yellow arrows tell you where it begins and ends. Note that the edge is closed and that it is traced in a counterclockwise direction. There are red labels telling you the lat/lon positions of all the points of the edge (except for the picked point, which is magenta). The labels at the top of the display window give you information about the picked edge.

Use the command

  RFNew.Providence(RTRN)                           ("Read File "New.Providence")
to read the file containing the new data. When it asks you if the coordinates are in an order other than the expected one, answer "Y". (When the coordinates are in the expected order, you can just use (RTRN).

Some faint green lines have appeared, along with another bunch of point labels, in white. Unpicked edges of type 0 (which all imported edges are) are shown in green, rather than in white. Sometimes, the grid and the point labels are essential, but, in this case, they're just in the way. Let's make it easier to see the edges we're dealing with. First, turn the grid off:

  G                                                                     ("Grid")
Then, reset the variable that controls point labelling:

  V.01(RTRN)(RTRN)(RTRN)(RTRN)(RTRN)(RTRN)                         ("Variables")
Point labels will now appear only when the range of the view is less than .01 degrees. The first (RTRN) is necessary to signal the end of the constant ".01"; the others just say to leave the other five variables unchanged. (Fortunately, you shouldn't have to use "V" commands very often.)

Now, you can see the imported green edges clearly. You want to delete the old edge and copy its edge type ("1") and its area identifiers ("583" and "2") to the new, more precise, green edge that is replacing it. (At this point, I usually jot these numbers down on a notepad, but your memory may be better than mine.)

Deleting the old edge is easy (but remember that there's no easy way to get it back, so be sure you're deleting the right one):

  EED                                                       ("Edit Edge Delete")
You'll then have to type a "Y". Again, think about it!

Note: I usually delete old edges at the last possible moment, in case I forgot to write down all the information I needed from them. I have done things in a different order here so as to keep the example simpler. Doing it the way I usually do it may require a number of "Move" and "Pick" commands.

Now you can pick the green line:

  PN                                                            ("Pick Nearest")
The new edge is now the picked one. It is highlighted in red and the red labels at the top display information for it. Yellow arrows tell you where it begins and ends. Note that it is closed and that, unlike the original edge, it is traced in a clockwise direction (so its left and right area identifiers are "2" and "583", instead of "583" and "2"). You have to change its type and its right area identifier. (Its left area identifier is already what you want, because the imported name "Ocean" was found in "Earth..1" and the editor tried to be helpful, but its right area identifier points to a new area, with index "1087", area type "1", color index "8", and parent index "0", that was created for you; the "1", the "8", and the "0" are default values.)

Change the descriptors of the new line with an I ("Identifiers") command (type it slowly and watch the prompts to see what's happening):

  I1(RTRN)(RTRN)583(RTRN)                                        ("Identifiers")
The principal task is complete: You have replaced the old edge defining "New Providence" with a more precise one and transferred the appropriate area identifier information to it. (The picked area, as indicated by the pink legend at the bottom of the display window, is one called "New Providence Island", which you don't really want, but you can deal with it later.)

Now you should incorporate "Paradise Island", which was the second edge defined by the imported file. The easy way to get to it is with the command

  MANParadise Island(RTRN)                ("Move to Area Named Paradise Island")
Again, you have to give it a "Y" to complete the move. Then, use another

  PN                                                            ("Pick Nearest")
to pick the imported edge. Examine the picked-edge information at the top of the display window: you need to change the type of the edge to a "1", but you can leave both the left and right area identifiers alone:

  I1(RTRN)(RTRN)(RTRN)                                           ("Identifiers")
The new area on the left of the edge, called "Paradise Island", was created for you during the import, but with default values for its type, suggested color, and parent index. What values should you use for them? In this case, since you are dealing with an island in the Bahamas, the appropriate thing is for it to have the same values for these quantities as "New Providence" had. What were those values? Remembering that "New Providence" was area number 583, you can use the command

  PA583(RTRN)                                                  ("Pick Area 583")
and examine the pink label at the bottom of the display window. It tells you that the type of that area was "3", its color was "3", and its parent was "1031". Make a note of these and then go back to "Paradise Island" (area number 1088 - this is why I make notes ... :-):

  PA1088(RTRN)                                                ("Pick Area 1088")
To change all the information for this area, issue an "A ("Area") command incorporating the information from area 583:

  A3(RTRN)3(RTRN)1031(RTRN)(RTRN)                                       ("Area")
The final (RTRN) is in response to a prompt allowing you to specify a new name for the area, which you don't want to do, because the name from the imported data file is actually the one you want.

Now, deal with the third edge. Again, you can get to it and pick it with the commands

  MANUnnamed Island(RTRN)                  ("Move to Area Named Unnamed Island")
  PN                                                            ("Pick Nearest")
If you lose track of where you are at this point, you might want to do something like a

  Z2O                                                             ("Zoom 2 Out")
to get reoriented. In any case, changing the descriptors for this edge and the area it creates is just like the last one, except that you have to supply a new name for the area:

  I1(RTRN)(RTRN)(RTRN)                                           ("Identifiers")
  A3(RTRN)3(RTRN)1031(RTRN)Blue Lagoon(RTRN)                            ("Area")
(I'm not sure if the name "Blue Lagoon" is correct; it appears on a "Wikimapia" image of this area, but may apply to just a portion of the island.)

To get to the fourth edge, you have to use a different set of commands (which assume that you did the "Z2O" I suggested above):

  MR                                                              ("Move Right")
  M3D                                                            ("Move 3 Down")
  M5D                                                            ("Move 5 Down")
  PN                                                            ("Pick Nearest")
This time, the left area identifier of the edge is 1090, whose name is "Unidentified Area". This particular area is special: it is created the first time you import an edge and don't have a name for the area on some side of it; thereafter, it is reused any time the same situation arises. So, in general, you don't want to change its name; if you did, you might find that area pointed to by lots of other imported edges. Instead, use the command

  I1(RTRN)0(RTRN)3(RTRN)3(RTRN)1031(RTRN)Erewhon(RTRN)(RTRN)     ("Identifiers")
If you watch the prompts as you type this command, it should make sense. The "1" changes the type of the edge, but the "0" for the left area identifier tells it that you want to define a new area. Following that, the two "3"s, the "1031", and the "Erewhon" are the area type, color, parent index, and name of the new area. The final (RTRN) just says that you want to leave the right area identifier unchanged; if you gave it a zero for the right area identifier, it would allow you to define a new area to the right, as well.

(By the way, I couldn't find a name for this particular island, so "Erewhon" is not to be taken seriously.)

You have now finished processing the edges you imported. Try a

  POZ3OF                                      <"Pick Off", "Zoom 3 Out", "Fill">
to take a look at the final result.

Another command to use at this point is

  CI                                                       ("Check Identifiers")
If you do this, you'll be told that there are two unreferenced area identifiers - 1087, for "New Providence Island", and "1090", for "Unidentified Area" - and asked if you want to eliminate them. If you say "Y", you'll be asked if you want to re-use the vacant slots. If you answer "Y" to that, it will tell you that "Erewhon" has been moved into slot 1087 (from 1091). Of course, all references to area "1091" will have been changed to reference area "1087".

Yet another command to practice using is

  WN                                                             ("Write", "No")
to create a backup file "Earth..1..x" containing the changes you just made, without writing edges of type 0 (you changed all the imported type 0 edges to type 1 edges).

The RANGS Database

The RANGS database contains extremely detailed coastlines from the "World Vector Shoreline" database. They also appear to be remarkably accurate (though not completely so - consider, for example, the island nation of "Nauru", which is not quite where the RANGS database says it is - the editor warns you about this if you seem to be about to import its RANGS outline). The new coastlines of "Earth..4" were all imported from the RANGS database and interpolated to simplify them.

If you have made the RANGS database available to the editor, you can use it to create a background in the viewport and you can import edge data from it. To illustrate this, I'll use the island of Madagascar. Execute the editor in the usual way on "Earth..1" and then go to the desired area:

  MANMadagascar(RTRN)                          ("Move to Area Named Madagascar")
The outline of Madagascar should appear, with a grid of 10-degree lat/lon lines in yellow and 1-degree lat/lon lines in red.

Turning On the RANGS Display

To turn on the RANGS background display, use the "BT" ("Background Toggle") command

  BT                                                       ("Background Toggle")
You can also type "B(RTRN)".

Note: Unlike the "F" ("Fill) and "G" ("Grid") commands, each of which toggles a single feature on and off, the "B" ("Background") command gives you access to a submenu of commands used for various purposes; thus, you need to type either a "T" or a (RTRN) following the "B".

You should now see the island of Madagascar and some smaller islands filled in light green and the surrounding ocean filled in blue.

Note: Notice that the outline for Madagascar from "Earth..1" (the white line) is quite inaccurate; the database that I downloaded from a USGS site and used to create "Earth..1", "Earth..2", and "Earth..3" is riddled with problems such as this. To create the new database "Earth.4", I downloaded a complete new set of coastlines from the RANGS database, using the technique described here.

Reading From the RANGS Display

To read edges from the RANGS background, use the "RB" ("Read Background") command:

  RB                                                         ("Read Background")
In this case, you get the following response:

  Viewport range is greater than 10 degrees.
  Background reads are not allowed.
The RANGS database is huge. When you attempt to import edges from it, the editor reads short edges from all the one-degree squares of the RANGS database that intersect the current viewport, assembles them as necessary into longer edges within the viewport, and sorts them in order of increasing distance from the center point. If you try to do this when the viewport's lat/lon range is too large, it can take a very long time and eat up all the memory allotted to the task. In that case, the editor doesn't crash, but it begins issuing error messages and leaves you twiddling your thumbs until it's ready to accept another command. To prevent this from happening, I put in a test to keep you from executing an "RB" when the viewport's range is greater than 10 degrees.

Zoom in and try again:

  ZI                                                                 ("Zoom In")
  RB                                                         ("Read Background")
This time, the editor highlights, in red, a little lake near the center of the viewport and asks you if this is the outline you want:

  Is heavy red line the one you want? (y/n)
It isn't, so just type (RTRN), and watch the display. Another lake is highlighted. That isn't what you want either, so type (RTRN) again. At this point, a portion of the coastline of Madagascar is highlighted, so type "Y". It then asks you a question:

  Try to extend the line? (y/n)
If all you wanted was the highlighted chunk of coastline in the viewport, you could just type (RTRN), but what you really want is the entire coastline of Madagascar, so type "Y". The rest of the coastline won't be highlighted, but you'll get some diagnostic prints (which I left in because they let you know the editor is at work) and then another question:

  Interpolate to use fewer points? (y/n)
Again, if you wanted the coastline exactly as it exists in the RANGS database, you could just type (RTRN), but, except for tiny islands, it's usually better to type "Y" and let the editor interpolate. When you do this, it gives you some helpful information and then lets you enter a desired value, in degrees, for the distance between points on the interpolated edge. For most of "Earth..4", an appropriate value is ".05" or less. Try entering that value, followed by (RTRN). You can also just type a (RTRN) if the default value - which you can change using an "MV" ("Move Variables") command - is the value you want.

If you interpolate and all goes well, you get a response like this:

  Interpolation done.
  Number of points, original:           45475 
  Number of points, interpolated:         896
In the viewport, the new edge is now highlighted in red and information about it is displayed at the top of the display window.

Zoom out to see all of Madagascar again:

  ZO                                                                ("Zoom Out")
Use commands like those described in the section "ASCII Data Files", above, to transfer descriptors (the edge type and the left and right area identifiers) from the old edge to the new one:

  PN                                                            ("Pick Nearest")
  EEDY                                                 ("Edit Edge Delete, Yes")
  PN                                                            ("Pick Nearest")
  I1(RTRN)241(RTRN)2(RTRN)                                       ("Identifiers")
Note: I'm cheating a little here. The first "PN" ("Pick Nearest") command happens to work the way you want because the original outline of Madagascar is the one closest to the center of the viewport. If it weren't, you'd have to use some "M" ("Move") commands to make it the nearest.

Zoom in on portions of the interpolated edge to see the (necessarily imperfect) results. You can use "C ("Check") commands to look for errors that may have been introduced, but you may want to wait until you've incorporated a number of new edges before using some of them, because they can take awhile to run.

Again, practice using

  CI                                                       ("Check Identifiers")
  WN                                                             ("Write", "No")
to find and eliminate unused area identifiers and to create a backup file "Earth..1..x" containing the changes you just made, without writing edges of type 0 (again, you changed the created type 0 edges to type 1 edges).

Some "Gotchas"

Here are a couple of things to be wary of when importing data from the RANGS database:

PNG Images

Importing data from a PNG is not quite the same as importing it from an ASCII data file or from the RANGS database and it is more difficult. Still, the new outlines for Antarctica in "Earth..4", including the ice-shelf boundaries, were created from a PNG, so it's practical, if a bit time-consuming, to use the technique for significant tasks.

Note that other types of graphics files, like ".jpg"s and ".gif"s, can easily be translated into ".png"s, making what is described here of more general use.

Suppose that you have a PNG (in a ".png" file) containing an image (perhaps a satellite photo or a map) of some part of the earth, including some boundary lines that you wish to import, using the editor, as edges in a database. First, you have to create an ASCII georeferencing file that has the same name as the PNG except that it ends in ".pngi" instead of ".png". (The "i" stands for "info".) The format of a ".pngi" file is described in the Ezmap documentation, in the section "Format of a Georeferencing File". It describes the projection that was used to create the image and the limits of the rectangular subset of the projection that is shown by the PNG.

Sometimes, you can create the ".pngi" file easily, using nothing but a text editor; sometimes, it's more difficult, but you can do it using features of the editor itself; and, sometimes, it's impossible, because you don't have enough information about the projection that was used (or it's one of those that Ezmap doesn't support).

Here are some sample PNGs and their georeferencing files:

Displaying a PNG Background

Using your browser, download "WorldPolitical.png" and "WorldPolitical.pngi".

Execute the editor in the usual way, telling it to use "Earth..4" and to merge contiguous edge segments. Once you've enlarged and positioned the display window and transferred focus back to the command window, type a "BP ("Background PNG") command:

  BP                                                          ("Background PNG")
This command is the gateway to everything the editor can do with PNGs. The editor's response to it may vary depending on the current state of the editing session. In this case, because no PNG is being displayed yet, the editor asks you a question:

  Read PNG background file? (y/n)
Answer "Y" and it asks you to enter the name of a file:

  Enter the name of the file:
Respond by typing "WorldPolitical.png(RTRN)". Note that the name you type must end in ".png".

Note: I could have made it unnecessary to type the ".png". I had intentions of eventually allowing you to use a file with a different suffix, like ".jpg", but that didn't happen (or, at least, it hasn't happened yet).

The editor asks another question:

  Set weights for gray-scale conversion? (y/n)
Answer "N" or just type (RTRN).

Note: The NCAR Graphics display model does not allow the use of 24-bit color. It is hoped that this restriction will eventually be removed. Meanwhile, it should be possible to create a palette approximating the colors of the original PNG, but I have not had time to play with that, so, instead, I reduce it to a gray-scale image, using either a default set of weights for the red, green, and blue components (as requested by answering "N") or by using a different set of weights that you specify. (The weights are three integers that sum to 100,000; if you answer "Y", it asks you for the red and green weights and computes the blue weight for you.) Specifying other than the default weights may allow you to better highlight particular features of interest.

Now, the editor asks three more questions, in answer to all of which you can just type (RTRN). The first two questions are

  Change projection parameters for PNG? (y/n)
  Change limit parameters for PNG? (y/n)
You would answer "Y" to either or both of these questions if you were dealing with a non-georeferenced PNG (one for which you don't have a ".pngi" file) and you wanted to begin the process of georeferencing it, or if you wanted to change the georeferencing parameters that were read from the ".pngi".

The third question is a little different:

  Change cell array size parameters? (y/n)
To display the PNG, the editor uses a cell array dimensioned 1200x1200. If you answer "Y" to this question, it precipitates a dialog allowing you to change, not only the basic dimensions of the cell array (each of which must still be 1200 or smaller), but also four indices specifying a rectangular subset of the cell array to actually generate and display.

For example: you might give it dimensions of 1000x1000 and tell it to generate the display only for horizontal and vertical coordinates between 251 and 750, an area that has only 1/4th the area of the full array and therefore takes only 1/4th as long to generate and display, but still allows you to see what's going on in the center of the display. (This may be important on slower systems.)

You should now see shades of green filling the viewport. The editor uses green because database edges that you are editing show up better against shades of green than against shades of gray.

Try looking at various areas. For example, use commands like

  MANAfrica(RTRN)Y                            ("Move to Area Named Africa, Yes")
  MANAustralia(RTRN)Y                      ("Move to Area Named Australia, Yes")
  MANChina(RTRN)Y                              ("Move to Area Named China, Yes")
  MANIndia(RTRN)Y                              ("Move to Area Named India, Yes")
to see named areas or just use "M" ("Move") and "Z" ("Zoom") commands to examine various parts of the globe.

Toggling Display of a PNG

To toggle display of a PNG but leave the PNG still in use, use the same "BT ("Background Toggle") command that you would use to toggle display of the RANGS database:

  BT                                                       ("Background Toggle")
Again, you can also type "B(RTRN)".

Note: I don't recommend it, but it is possible to display the RANGS database and a PNG at the same time. In this case, the PNG is displayed with the RANGS outline, in red, superimposed. To turn the RANGS display off, you then have to use a "BR" ("Background RANGS") command; as I recall, "BR(RTRN)" works a little strangely.

Terminating Use of a PNG

To completely terminate use of a PNG, use the "BQ" ("Background Quit") command:

  BQ                                                         ("Background Quit")
The editor asks the question

  Write updated PNG information file? (y/n)
If you have changed the georeferencing of the PNG being displayed and want to preserve the changes, answer "Y", and a new ".pngi" file will be written. Otherwise, answer "N" or just type (RTRN). In either case, you will then be asked a second question:

  Close PNG background file? (y/n)
You have to answer "Y" to make the editor actually close the PNG, terminating display of it.

Note: These questions protect you against accidentally overwriting a ".pngi" or terminating display of a PNG, but they also provide you with a way to just write an updated ".pngi" (by answering "Y" to the first question and "N" to the second one).

Tracing Features on a PNG Background

The "MQ" ("Move Quick") command is used to trace boundaries visible on a georeferenced PNG to create new edges or to replace existing edges in a database being edited. In this section, I attempt to present a couple of simple examples.

Use your browser to download "Maui.png" and "Maui.pngi".

Execute the editor in the usual way, telling it to use "Earth..4" and to merge contiguous edge segments. Once you've enlarged and positioned the display window and transferred focus back to the command window, use the following commands to move to the area named Maui, display "Maui.png", as georeferenced by "Maui.pngi", and turn off the grid and the display of point labels (do this slowly, so you can see what's happening in the command window and the display window):

  MANMaui(RTRN)Y                                ("Move to Area Named Maui, Yes")
  BPYMaui.png(RTRN)                   ("Background PNG", Yes", PNG name, RETURN)
  (RTRN)(RTRN)(RTRN)(RTRN)                                   (four more RETURNs)
  G                                                                     ("Grid")
  V.1(RTRN)                                             ("Variables, .1, RETURN)
  (RTRN)(RTRN)(RTRN)(RTRN)(RTRN)                             (five more RETURNs)
You should now see an image of Maui in shades of green, with a white line showing the boundary of Maui in the database "Earth..4".

Note: The small image in the lower left corner of the display window represents the PNG itself. It has appeared because reference points are defined. The two red circles on the small image and the two on the main PNG display show where the reference points are. In this case, the two images look very much alike, but that need not be true in general.

Creating a New Edge

For our first example, let's add to "Earth..4" an edge defining Haleakala National Park, which is shown in a darker shade of green in the display.

Halve the value of the parameter "desired length of edge segments":

  MV(RTRN)(RTRN)(RTRN).025(RTRN)(RTRN)                        ("Move Variables")
The new area you're creating is relatively small and it would be difficult to do it accurately enough using the default length, which is .05 degrees.

Now, type the commands

  PO                                                                ("Pick Off")
  MQ                                                              ("Move Quick")
The "MQ" Command - Mode 1
The "MQ" command behaves differently depending on whether or not a point and an edge are picked when it is issued. In this case, because nothing is picked, the first of two special modes is activated: a red dot appears at the center of the viewport, and some instructions appear in the command window. Each character that you now type, prior to a "C", a "P", or a (RTRN), should be one that moves the red dot to a new position. Read through the instructions, and then try typing the following (watching carefully what happens as you do so):

  1R3R1D4R4U6R6U7LP      ("1 Right, 3 Right, 1 Down, 4 Right, ... 7 Left, Pick")
Note: As always, you can type this in lower case. I'm using upper case here because lower-case l's look so much like 1's in my browser.

Each of the "nR", "nL", "nD", and "nU" commands moves the red dot in the specified direction (right, left, down, or up); the digit "n" modifies the extent of the move (a 1 means to move one-quarter of the display width, a 2 one-eighth of the display width, and so on). The red dot is left positioned over the point on the boundary of Maui where you want to start the new edge defining the boundary of Haleakala National Park. The "P" picks the nearest point on the existing edge (which, luckily, is right where you want it on that edge - if it weren't, things would get a little more complicated).

The "MQ" Command - Mode 2
At this point, the "MQ" command is in mode 2. The boundary of Maui is now highlighted in red and there are two dots on the display: the blue dot marks the point after which a point would be inserted if you were to type an "I" and the red dot marks the position of the point that would be inserted. The editor is ready to begin inserting points following the picked point on the picked edge, but that's not what you want to do. Type a

  C                                                                   ("Create")
The "MQ" command is still in mode 2, but you have created a new edge. The boundary of Maui is now highlighted in white instead of red because it is no longer the picked edge; the new edge is now the picked one.

Characters typed in mode 2 have a different effect than they would have in mode 1. The idea is that you are steering the red dot along the boundary you want, occasionally inserting another point on an edge being created or modified. The commands "L" and "R" now rotate the red dot one way or the other along a little ellipse around the blue dot (it's a circle on the globe, but, in the viewport, it's elliptical, becoming more so with increasing distance from the equator). The commands "F" and "B" can be used to move the red dot further away from or closer to the blue dot. Prefixed single-digit integers have an effect similar to what you have seen before: "L" means "turn 45 degrees left", while "1L" means "turn 22.5 degrees left", 2L" means "turn 11.25 degrees left", and so on. "F" and "B" mean "move forward one standard segment length" and "move backward one standard segment length", respectively; "1F" and "1B" imply moves of half the standard segment length, "2F" and "2B" moves of one-quarter of the standard segment length, and so on. "I" means "insert a point". Using these usually involves a fair amount of fumbling about. I have copied out what I actually typed and edited it to do the job a bit more efficiently (you should be able to copy and paste these strings into the command window and watch the effect in the display window):

  LL1L3L2FIL2R2F3LILIRR2L3LILI3LI2R3R2FIRR2R3RI      ("Left, Left, 1 Left ... ")
Almost halfway!

  L2L3L2B3LIR3R4R3FIRR2RI3L4RII1LIIR1LI3RI1R2RI1L3FI  (" ... 3 Forward, Insert")
You have traced the boundary you want (with some inaccuracies, one of which I will use as an example later). Terminate the "MQ" command:

The new edge is the picked edge; its final point is the picked point and has been moved to the center of the viewport. The point is about where you want it, but it isn't connected to the edge defining the coastline of Maui. To connect it, execute the following commands:

  Z3I                                                              ("Zoom 3 In")
  M5R                                                           ("Move 5 Right")
  M5D                                                            ("Move 5 Down")
  ER                                                            ("Edit Replace")
  M2D                                                            ("Move 2 Down")
  PN                                                            ("Pick Nearest")
  M2U                                                              ("Move 2 Up")
  EI                                                             ("Edit Insert")
This zooms in so you can see what you're doing on the point level, replaces the end of the new edge with one more nearly on the previously-defined coastline, picks the edge forming the coastline at the point which will precede the point where the new edge will join, moves back to the position of the new point, and inserts it on the coastline.

Now you have to break the coastline of Maui into pieces so that joins only occur at the endpoints of edges. Execute the following command:

  EEB                                                        ("Edit Edge Break")
The edge forming the coastline of Maui that was picked has now been broken in two and, serendipitously, the portion of it forming the coastline of Haleakala National Park is left as the picked edge.

You get a pleasant surprise: the Maui coastline has already been broken at the other point where it needs to be.

Note: This is a side effect of the "C" command used above. When an edge is picked, and the picked point on it is not one of its end points, and you create a new edge beginning there, the picked edge is automatically broken into two pieces for you. This is true whether you do it with an "MQ ("Move Quick") or an "EEC" ("Edit Edge Create") command.

All that remains is to create the new area called Haleakala National Park, and change the descriptors for all the edges making up its boundary. In this case, that's pretty easy because there are only two of them:

  I(RTRN)0(RTRN)4(RTRN)3(RTRN)18(RTRN)Haleakala National Park(RTRN)(RTRN)
  P2P                                                           ("Pick 2 Point")
  I4(RTRN)18(RTRN)6856(RTRN)                                     ("Identifiers")
Again, watching the command window as you type the above commands will help you understand what it is that you are doing. The first command changes the area identifier for the new area to the left of the picked edge and actually creates the area. In spite of the fact that it is a national park, consider it to be a state-level entity, give it the same color as that of the island it is a part of, and make that island its parent. The second command causes the new edge to be picked and the third changes its descriptors to reflect the fact that it is a state-level edge having just the island of Maui on one side and that part of Maui known as Haleakala National Park on the other.

Editing an Existing Edge

Now, for our second example, let's go back and fix that glitch in the boundary of Haleakala National Park. The problem was near the beginning of the edge, so move back there and zoom out a little:

  MS                                                              ("Move Start")
  Z2O                                                             ("Zoom 2 Out")
Leave point 1 of the new edge picked and give another "MQ" ("Move Quick") command:

  MQ                                                              ("Move Quick")
The editor is in MQ mode 2. The blue and red dots appear, marking, respectively, the point after which an "I" command would add a point and the position at which it would be added. Type the following (again, you can probably copy and paste this):

Note that all of the inserted points are put in between the original picked point (point 1) and the point that originally followed it. The two "D" commands remove what were originally the second and third points. These commands can be moved to positions earlier in the sequence, if you wish.

Note also that, as you execute these commands, the display window is not completely updated; fragments of lines previously highlighted in red may remain until you terminate the "MQ" command by typing a (RTRN), at which point the display window is completely redrawn. This is to make the command execute as quickly as possible.

Again, practice using

  CI                                                       ("Check Identifiers")
  WN                                                             ("Write", "No")
to find and eliminate unused area identifiers and to create a backup file "Earth..1..x" containing the changes you just made, without writing edges of type 0 (again, you changed the created type 0 edges to type 1 edges).

Georeferencing a PNG

The editor itself can be used to georeference a PNG and write the ".pngi" file. As an example, let's georeference the map of Maui that was used above.

Use your browser to download the file "Maui.png" but not the file "Maui.pngi". (If you already downloaded the latter file, just rename it or delete it.)

If you're already running the editor, exit and the re-execute it in the usual way, telling it to use "Earth..4" and to merge contiguous edge segments.

Note: I'm having you restart the editor because it remembers some of the georeferencing parameters from the last PNG you used, which might confuse things.

Once you've enlarged and positioned the display window and transferred focus back to the command window, use the following commands to turn off the grid and the display of point labels and to move to the area named "Maui":

  G                                                                     ("Grid")
  V.1(RTRN)                                             ("Variables, .1, RETURN)
  (RTRN)(RTRN)(RTRN)(RTRN)(RTRN)                             (five more RETURNs)
  MANMaui(RTRN)Y                                ("Move to Area Named Maui, Yes")
Use the following command to tell the editor to read the PNG:

  BPYMaui.png(RTRN)                   ("Background PNG", Yes", PNG name, RETURN)
Type another (RTRN) to tell it you don't want to set weights for gray-scale conversion.

The editor reads "Maui.png" (but not "Maui.pngi", which isn't there) and asks you if you want to change the projection parameters for it. This time, type a "Y", because you do want to change (set) those parameters; it then tells you that the current projection type is the default: "CE", which stands for "Cylindrical Equidistant". That's not what you want. Because "Maui.png" was created by a screen capture from a "Google" map, what you do want is "ME", which stands for "Mercator". Curiously, you have to type the "ME" in upper case (an oversight that I should fix). Follow the "ME" with a (RTRN).

Next, the editor asks you for the values of three parameters determining the exact nature of the Mercator projection. Type "(RTRN)-156(RTRN)(RTRN)" to leave the "pole latitude" zero, set the "pole longitude" to "-156", and leave the rotation angle zero.

Now the editor asks you if you want to change the limit parameters. Again, you do, so type "Y". It then tells you that the type of map limits it's currently using is the default: "MA", which stands for "Maximal". Again, that's not what you want. You want "CO", which stands for "Corners" (and again, you have to type this in upper case). Follow the "CO" with a (RTRN).

Next, the editor asks you for the latitude and longitude of the corner points. What you should put in, at this point, are some estimates for the latitude and longitude of the corner points of the PNG image, perhaps obtained by eye-balling an atlas: "20.5(RTRN)-157(RTRN)21(RTRN)-156(RTRN)". These don't have to be exact; all you're doing is setting up a projection to use during the georeferencing process; once the process is complete, you can use the results to reset the limits more nearly correctly.

The editor asks you one more question - whether you want to change the size of the cell array used to display the PNG. Just tell it "N".

The PNG is now displayed, but it's not very close to where it ought to be. Not to worry. It's fixable.

What you want to do now is to specify two points on the PNG that are reasonably far apart in both latitude and longitude and make them reference points, giving the editor a latitude and longitude for both. To do this, type the following commands:

  ZO                                                                ("Zoom Out")
  M1L                                                            ("Move 1 Left")
  M2U                                                              ("Move 2 Up")
  M3R                                                           ("Move 3 Right")
  M4U                                                              ("Move 4 Up")
  M5L                                                            ("Move 5 Left")
  M7D                                                            ("Move 7 Down")
  M8L                                                            ("Move 8 Left")
The center of the display is now positioned over a point on the existing boundary of Maui that can also be identified on the PNG display. Note that its latitude is 21.02794 and its longitude is -156.63826.

Move the center of the display to the point on the PNG display that you want to have the coordinates noted above:

  M2L                                                            ("Move 2 Left")
  M3L                                                            ("Move 3 Left")
  M4D                                                            ("Move 4 Down")
  M7D                                                            ("Move 7 Down")
  M8R                                                           ("Move 8 Right")
The center of the display is now positioned over the point on the PNG display that you want to georeference and you know what its latitude and longitude ought to be.

Type the command that provides access to all things having to do with PNG's:

  BP                                                          ("Background PNG")
This time, because a PNG has been read, the editor asks you if you want to change its reference points, and you do, so you answer "Y".

It further wants to know if you want to create a new reference point, and you do, so you answer "Y" again.

Then, it wants to know which reference point you want to define. At this point, you can bail if you want, by just typing a (RTRN), but of course you don't want to do that (I hope). Type "1(RTRN)" and, when it asks you for the reference latitude and longitude, provide the values that you made a note of: "21.02794(RTRN)-156.63826(RTRN)".

The editor then asks if you want to change the projection parameters, the limit parameters, or the cell array size parameters. You don't want to do any of those things, so answer "N" to all three questions.

The display window has now changed. There's a red circle marking the latitude and longitude you entered. A small version of the PNG itself appears in the lower left corner, with a red circle on it marking the point that is to be associated with the latitude and longitude you entered. (Actually, what you see there is a gray circle marking the position on the PNG that is associated with the point at the center of the display window; the red circle is hidden by it, as you'll see in a moment.)

Now, in the same fashion, you have to define a second reference point on the PNG. Use the command string

to position the center of the display over a point on the eastern edge of Maui having latitude 20.76931 and longitude -155.97890 and the command string

to position the center of the display over the corresponding point of the PNG. Then, use commands like the ones above to create reference point 2:

At this point, though, the editor is asking you if you want to change the limit parameters, and, this time, you do, so answer "Y". It then asks you if you want to use the reference points to set the limits, and you do, so answer "Y". It then wants to know which two reference points to use; tell it "1(RTRN)2(RTRN)". It should tell you that the procedure used to set the limits was successful and give you a couple of numbers, the pixel width and the pixel height; the two numbers should be nearly identical. Again, it asks if you want to change the cell array parameters; tell it "N".

If all has gone well, the PNG is now positioned in such a way as to more closely match the existing boundary of Maui. If it's still off more than you like, you can redefine one or both reference points (or define new ones), and use the new points to do the georeferencing.

Note: Actually, it would have been better to use an RB ("Read Background") command to retrieve a highly-detailed version of the Maui coastline from the RANGS database and use that to georeference the PNG.

To create a georeferencing file, "Maui.pngi", representing the results of your labors but leave the PNG in use, issue the command:

  BQYN                                              ("Background Quit, Yes, No")
telling it to quit using the PNG, to write the ".pngi", and then not to quit after all.

Internal Variables of the Editor

Variables Accessed by an "MV" Command

An "MV" command gives you a response like this:

  Change move/positioning Variables.
   Latitude at center of map:          -14.297544     
   Longitude at center of map:         -54.464867     
   Range (left/right or bottom/top):    39.566013     
   Desired length of edge segments:    5.00000007E-02 
   Quick mode dot size (radius):       3.00000003E-03
and you are then prompted to enter new values of the variables, one at a time. If you just type (RTRN) at a given prompt, the value is not changed. If you enter a new value for one or more of them, you will see the effect when the display is redrawn. (If you type something that gives a Fortran error (like "5t" for an integer value), the editor asks you to re-enter it.

Each of the five values shown is the value of a variable affecting a specific aspect of the editor's behavior:

Note: Normally, the latitude should be between -90 and +90, the longitude between -180 and +180, and the range between 0 and 360, but, actually, the editor doesn't enforce this, which can be a little confusing: If you happen to enter a bad number, you may be looking at a portion of the real plane where nothing exists. Just do another "MV" and re-enter the numbers.

Variables Accessed by a "V" Command

A "V" command gives you a response like this:

  Change miscellaneous Variables.

    Maximum range value for labeling:        1.00000000     
    Maximum range value for fill:            100.000000     
    Maximum range value for background:      100.000000     
    Level at or below which lines are cyan:           0 
    Size of characters for area labelling:   1.25000002E-02 
    Global replacement flag:                 1.00000005E-03
and you are then prompted to enter new values of the variables, one at a time. If you just hit (RTRN) at a given prompt, the value is not changed. If you enter a new value for one or more of them, you will see the effect when the display is redrawn. (If you type something that gives a Fortran error (like "5t" for an integer value), the editor asks you to re-enter it.

Each of the six values shown is the value of a variable affecting a specific aspect of the editor's behavior:

Command Summary

The following table summarizes all the available editor commands:

Command Mnemonic Effect
A Area Allows you to change the descriptors of the picked area. If no area is picked, the editor tells you that; otherwise, it gives you information about the picked area (its type, its color, its parent's index, and its name) and allows you to type a new value for each of those four quantities, one at a time. Each value is followed by (RTRN). Typed by itself, (RTRN) just says "use the current value".
B Background Background commands allow you to create a background in the viewport, using data from a georeferenced PNG or from the RANGS database. Note: If you turn fill on with an "F" ("Fill") command, it takes precedence over any background display created by a "B" command.
 BP Background PNG Begins a dialog allowing you to display a PNG as a background (and, if necessary, to georeference the PNG). See the tutorial section "PNG Images".
 BQ Background Quit If a PNG is in use (whether it is currently being displayed or not), this begins a simple dialog allowing you to rewrite its georeferencing file and/or to terminate its use; otherwise, nothing is done.
 BR Background RANGS Allows you to turn on and off the use of the RANGS database to construct a background in the viewport. If you turn fill on, land areas are shown in light green, ocean areas in light blue, and smaller bodies of water in a lighter blue. If you turn outlines on (which I don't particularly recommend, because I find them confusing), they are in red.

Note: If you turn the RANGS display on when you are zoomed out too far, you may not see the effect until you zoom in. The variable controlling the level at which the RANGS display takes effect may be changed by a "V" command.

Note: You can actually turn on both the RANGS display and a PNG display at the same time. The PNG display (done using a cell array) is done first; then, no matter what kind of RANGS display you previously chose, the RANGS outlines are drawn, in red, on top of the PNG display.

  BR(RTRN) toggle Toggles RANGS fill on if it was off and off if it was on; also turns off RANGS outlines.
  BR0(RTRN) off Turns RANGS display off.
  BR1(RTRN) fill Turns RANGS fill on.
  BR2(RTRN) outlines Turns RANGS outlines on.
  BR3(RTRN) both Turns RANGS fill and outlines on.
 BT Background Toggle Toggles the current background display (of a PNG or of RANGS data) on and off. Actually, you don't have to type the "T"; anything except one of the other choices - even just "B(RTRN)" - has the same effect.
C Check "Check" commands. These check the database for various kinds of errors. Most of them generate a list of lat/lon positions at which an error of a given type may have occurred. Error positions are marked with a little green circle and there is a "Move" command ("Move Marked point") allowing you to move to each of the marked positions, one at a time.
 CA Check Angles Checks for contiguous edge segments forming angles in a specified range. (Small angles can be a sign of trouble.)
 CC Check Clear Clears the list of lat/lon positions created by the last "check" command.
 CE Check Endpoints Checks for certain kinds of errors at the endpoints of edges. If the level at which the database is being displayed is changed (with an "L" command), a "CE" checks for endpoint errors at that level.
 CF Check Fill Checks for color fill problems. If the level at which the database is being displayed is changed (with an "L" command), a "CF" checks for fill problems at that level.
 CI Check Identifiers Checks for unused area identifiers. The editor gives you a list of area identifiers that are defined but not referenced by any edge. It then asks you if you wish to delete them. If so, it allows you to reassign them to other areas (so as to leave no gaps in the list of integers used). Unlike the other "Check" commands, this one doesn't generate a list of lat/lon positions.
 CL Check Lengths Checks for edge segment lengths in a specified range. (Short edge segments can be a sign of trouble.)
 CM Check for Merges Checks for edges that can be merged to create longer edges and merges them.
 CO Check for Overlapping Checks for edges that overlap themselves.
 CT Check edge Types Checks for edges with types outside the range [1,5].
D Database Switches to a different database. When prompted, enter a new database name, followed by (RTRN), and, once again, tell it whether or not to "merge contiguous edge segments".

Beware: Any changes you made in the database you were previously editing will be lost! It is your responsibility to issue a "W" ("Write") command before switching to a new database.

Note, however, that if you issue a "D" command accidentally, you can respond with a bogus file name; the editor will give you an error message, but no harm will have been done.

E Edit Edit commands. These commands depend on your having picked an edge, a point on that edge, and/or an area. The simplest commands deal with individual points, but there are also commands that apply to edges and areas.

Note: Whenever you delete all but one point of an edge, create a new edge, or break an existing edge in two at its initial or final point, you create an edge consisting of a single point. Single-point edges can be confusing to deal with. Be aware of their possible existence and try to keep track of ones that you create. (There should probably be a "Check" command that looks for them.)

 ED Edit Delete Deletes the picked point from the picked edge.

Note: If you delete anything except the first point of an edge, you can put it back in with an immediate "EI" command; however, there is no easy way of putting the first point of an edge back in, so be careful.

Just for grins, here's how to put a deleted first point back in: immediately issue the commands "EI" ("Edit Insert"), to put the deleted point back in following the first point (which used to be the second point); "MS" ("Move Start"), to move the center of the display to that first point and make it the one picked; "PF" ("Pick Forward"), to make the second point, which used to be the first point (which you deleted), the one picked, but leave the display centered on what used to be the second point; "EI" ("Edit Insert"), to insert what used to be the second point following what used to be the first point; "MS" ("Move Start"), to move back to the first point, which is now superfluous; and "ED", to delete it. (Of course, all you type is "EIMSPFEIMSED" - pretty obvious, really ... :-)

 EI Edit Insert Inserts a new point (having the coordinates of the center point of the display) following the picked point on the picked edge.

Note: The editor doesn't allow you to create adjacent identical points; if you try to do that, you'll get a message to that effect and it won't insert anything.

 ER Edit Replace Replaces the picked point on the picked edge with one having the coordinates of the center point of the display.

By default, an "ER" command replaces the picked point and any other point having both a latitude and a longitude within .001 degrees of it with one having the exact coordinates of the center point of the display. Why? Because the way in which you connect one edge to another is to make sure that the end points they share are defined to have exactly the same latitude and longitude. When you define two edges that are supposed to be connected to each other, you only have to get them with epsilon of each other, make sure that the connection point of one of them is the picked point and that it's at the center of the display, and then issue an "ER" command to connect the two edges.

You can use a "V" ("Variables") command to specify a new value of the global replacement flag, which is coerced into the range [0,1]. A zero turns the feature off; a non-zero value turns it on and specifies the value of "epsilon". The default value is .001 degrees; be very wary of using values that are too large.

 EE Edit Edge Edge editing commands.
  EEB Edit Edge Break Breaks the picked edge at the picked point. The first part of the original picked edge becomes the new picked edge and its final point becomes the new picked point.
  EEC Edit Edge Create Creates a new edge at the center point of the display.
  EED Edit Edge Delete Deletes the picked edge.

Beware: There is no way to undo an edge deletion! The editor asks you if you really want to proceed and you have to answer "Y" to actually delete the edge.

  EEI Edit Edge Interpolate Interpolates points along the picked edge to create a new, less-dense, edge. Both the original edge (a double-width red line, because it's the one picked) and the interpolated edge (a thin green line on top of the red one) are left behind, so that you can choose the one you want and delete the other. You have a choice of two interpolation methods, labeled A and B, and you should use method A, which is identical to that used when you let an RB ("Read Background") command interpolate, except that it doesn't work "in place" and therefore isn't so likely to run out of memory. Method B was an experiment that didn't work out.) You are also allowed to enter a desired segment length (in degrees) to use instead of the default value settable with an "MV" ("Move Variables") command).

Note that interpolated segments have approximately the correct length on the surface of the globe, but their lengths in the viewport may appear to vary (horizontal ones being longer than vertical ones); this effect is more noticeable the further the segment is from the equator.

  EEA Edit Edge Automated Automated edge edits. In general, I don't remember exactly what these do, but I would say that they are dangerous and should not be used. If I have time, I'll add more information about them.
   EEAB Edit Edge Automated Break I have no clue about this one. I'd have to sit down and study the code.
   EEAC Edit Edge Automated Connect I think this one was supposed to find places where new edges aren't properly connected to other new edges and connect them.
   EEAD Edit Edge Automated Short Edge Deletion This one was supposed to find edge segments shorter than a desired minimum value and, in some manner, remove them.
 EA Edit Area Area editing. This command is now deprecated. The idea was that you made sure fill was turned off, positioned the viewport so that you were looking at a bunch of areas whose descriptors you wanted to set, and issued the command. It labeled each of the areas with a number and allowed you to deal with them one at a time; among other things, for each area, it reset the area identifiers in all the edges forming the boundaries of the area.

This was a boon when I was incorporating US counties in "Earth..2". The problem now is that, with the increasing complexity of our "Earth..x" databases, there are likely to be too many areas in any given view to deal with effectively.

What I do now (as, for example, when I was incorporating the states/provinces of Australia, Brazil, China, and India) is to plan ahead a bit better and enter all the area information as I go along.

F Fill Toggles area fill (and labeling of the areas) on and off. If the level at which the database is being displayed is changed (with an "L" command), area fill is done using area identifiers and colors at the specified level.

Zooming out too far may turn area fill off. The variable controlling the level at which area fill takes effect, as well as another that can be set to zero to turn off the labeling of the areas, can be changed with a "V" command.

If area fill is done, it takes precedence over any background display specified by "B" commands.

G Grid Toggles the grid on and off.
H Help Gives you a list of the basic high-level commands.
I Identifiers Changes identifiers for the picked edge. If no edge is picked, the editor tells you that; otherwise, it provides information about the picked edge (its type and the identifiers of the areas to its left and right), it reminds you how line (edge) types are defined, and then it allows you to enter a new value for each of the three quantities, one at a time. Each is followed by (RTRN). Typed by itself, (RTRN) just says "use the current value".
L Level Changes the level of the edges put into the area map when area fill is being done, the level of edges written to an ASCII output file by an "O" ("Output") command, the area identifiers displayed at the top of the display window for picked edges, the area identifiers displayed by point and edge labels (which you see when you zoom in far enough), and the behavior of the commands "CE" ("Check Endpoints") and "CF" ("Check Fill").

When you issue an "L" command, the editor reminds you of the meanings of the various edge levels (all the way from land-water boundaries at level 1 down to county boundaries at level 5) and then allows you to enter a new level, followed by (RTRN). By itself, (RTRN) just says "use the current value".

To see the effect of this command on area fill, position the view over one of the states of the US (Maine, say), turn fill on (with an "F" command), and then change the level from the default value (which is 5) to progressively smaller values. At level 5, you'll see areas all the way down to the level of counties; at level 4, states; at level 3, countries; at level 2, continents; and, at level 1, just land and water. You can also issue an "O" ("Output") command at each level and compare the ASCII output files that are written as a result.

Perform the above experiment with a point, an edge, and an area picked to see the changes in labeling on the display: for example, the area identifiers for the areas to the left and right of the picked edge will be ones appropriate for areas at the specified level. To see the effect on point labelling, zoom in until the labels appear.

M Move Moves the center point of the display to a new position (determined in one of various ways) in the database.
 MC Move Coordinates Moves to a coordinate position you specify. You are prompted for a new latitude and longitude. Type each followed by (RTRN). Typing (RTRN) by itself leaves the current value unchanged.
 ML/MnL Move Left Moves to the point previously in the center of the left edge of the display. If you type a single-digit integer "n" between the "M" and the "L", the center point moves toward the center point of the left edge by 1/(2**n) times the half-width of the display, so "M1L" moves half-way to the edge, "M2L" moves one-quarter of the way to the edge, and so on. If you mistype an integer, just type the correct one after it and the mistyped one is ignored.
 MR/MnR Move Right Just like "ML", but moves toward the display's right edge.
 MD/MnD Move Down Just like "ML", but moves toward the display's bottom edge.
 MU/MnU Move Up Just like "ML", but moves toward the display's top edge.
 MP Move Picked Moves to the picked point. If no point is picked, no move occurs.
 MF/MnF Move Forward Moves to the point following the picked point on the picked edge and makes it the new picked point. If no point and edge are picked, no move occurs. If you type a single-digit integer "n" between the "M" and the "F", the move is to the nth point following the picked point on the picked edge. If you mistype an integer, just type the correct one after it and the mistyped one is ignored. If you try to move past the end of the picked edge, you move to the other end of it (but not beyond - if you're three points away from the end of the edge and you issue an "M5F", you only move to the beginning of the edge).
 MB/MnB Move Backward Just like "MF/MnF", but in the opposite direction along the picked edge.
 MS Move Start Moves to the starting point of the picked edge and makes it the picked point. (If no edge is picked, no move occurs.)
 ME Move End Just like "MS", but moves to the ending point of the picked edge.
 MM Move Marked Moves to the next position in the list of points marked by a "C" ("Check") command, allowing you to step through them and see what potential problems have been found.
 MA Move Area Moves to an area that you specify. The desired area is centered in the viewport and extends 99/100ths of the way to either its left and right edges or its bottom and top edges (depending on its shape). The picked point, edge, and area, if any, do not change. Moving to some areas gives surprising results: for example, because there are parts of Alaska in both hemispheres, moving to that named area displays the entire earth.
  MAI Move Area Indexed Moves to an area having the index you specify. The editor prompts you to enter an index. Type it, followed by (RTRN).
  MAN Move Area Named Moves to an area having the name you specify. The editor prompts you to enter a name. Type it, followed by (RTRN). If the editor finds an area with that name, it responds with a description of it that includes its full hierarchical name and asks if this is the area you want. If so, type a "Y"; otherwise, type an "N" to search for another area having the same name. (Note that the name has to be typed exactly as it exists in the database and that this can be annoying. The editor should be extended to allow more creative name searches.)
 MV Move Variables Move to a specified position by changing the value of one or more of five internal variables of the editor. The editor shows you the current values of all five and then asks you for new values, one at a time. If you don't want to change a value, just type (RTRN); otherwise, type the new value, followed by (RTRN).
 MQ Move Quick This command is used for both moves and edits. The idea is to create a cursor in the viewport and then, without typing (RTRN) or completely updating the display window (both of which are time-consuming), to move the cursor as quickly as possible to a desired starting position (perhaps a point on an existing edge) and then steer it quickly along a desired path (quite likely a boundary line visible on a PNG background) to either create a new edge or to modify an existing edge. See the tutorial section "Tracing Features on a PNG Background".

Note: This command was used to create state boundaries for Australia, Brazil, China, and India, as well as ice-shelf boundaries for Antarctica, in "Earth..4", so it's quite powerful.

N NCGM Writes the current view to an NCGM called "gmeta" that is not finalized until one exits from the editor, at which point it contains one or more frames, each the result of a single "N".
O Output Writes coordinate information for the current view to an ASCII output file with a name of one's choosing (which it asks you to enter). I put this in because, sometimes, people want excerpts of our data, for a given area, in a human-readable (as well as machine-readable) format. (Later, I added the capability of writing these in a binary format suitable for use with "Vis5D" - a visualization tool available from the University of Wisconsin - so now it asks you if you want to write that kind of file instead.) Unlike the output from "N" commands, which are collected in a single file called "gmeta", the output from each "O" command is put in a separate file by itself. Here's an example (created from "Earth..4") called India.out.
P Pick Picks a point, an edge, and an area.
 PA Pick Area Picks an area identified by its index. You are prompted to enter the index and must type it, followed by (RTRN). The point and edge already picked, if any, are unchanged.
 PP/PnP Pick Point Picks the nearest on-screen data point and recenters the display at that point. The edge containing the point becomes the picked edge and the area containing the center point of the display when the command was issued becomes the picked area. If the center point is very close to an edge, the algorithm that decides what area it's in sometimes fails to produce the desired result; if that happens, use a "PA" ("Pick Area") command to fix it.

Typing a single-digit integer "n" between the two "P"s has a very important use: If there are several "nearest points" that have exactly the same lat/lon coordinates, the one picked will be the nth one following the first one in the list. This allows you to move from the first or last point of one edge to the first or last point of an edge that is connected to it. Using just "PP/PnP" ("Pick Point"), "MS" ("Move Start"), and "ME" ("Move End") commands, you can quickly trace the edges forming the boundary of an area.

If you mistype the value of "n", just type the correct value after it and the mistyped value is ignored. Which brings up the question: How do you know what "n" to use? The answer is: You don't. Try "PP", "P1P", "P2P", and so on, until the edge that you want gets highlighted in red. If it doesn't get highlighted for any "n", it probably means that the endpoint of the edge you want has coordinates slightly different from those of the point currently picked. If you haven't turned off the global replacement flag, you can issue an "ER" ("Edit Replace") command to force all the points within epsilon of the current center point to have exactly the same lat/lon coordinates.

If, when you issue a "PP" or "PnP", none of what appear to be the logical candidate edges gets highlighted in red, check the legend near the top of the display window: you may have picked the only point on a single-point edge and the legend will tell you that.

If there are no points on-screen, a "PP" or "PnP" does the same thing as "PO" ("Pick Off").

 PN Pick Nearest Exactly like "PP", except that the display is not recentered at the picked point.
 PF/PnF Pick Forward Makes the point following the picked point on the picked edge the new picked point. If no point and edge are picked, no point is picked. If you type a single-digit integer "n" between the "P" and the "F", the new picked point will be the nth point following the old picked point on the picked edge. If you mistype an integer, just type the correct one after it and the mistyped one is ignored. If you try to pick a point past the end of the picked edge, you pick the one at the other end of it (but not beyond - if the picked point is three points away from the end of the edge and you issue a "P5F", the first point on the edge becomes the picked one).
 PB/PnB Pick Backward Just like "PF/PnF", but in the opposite direction along the picked edge.
 PS Pick Start Makes the starting point of the picked edge the new picked point. The display is not recentered.
 PE Pick End Makes the ending point of the picked edge the new picked point. The display is not recentered.
 PO Pick Off Turns off picking (returning it to its default state). Leaves no point, edge, or area picked.
Q Quit Quits the editor. You are asked if you really want to quit. If so, you must answer "Y". Then, if a PNG is in use (whether it is currently being displayed or not), you are given the opportunity to rewrite its georeferencing file.
R Read Read commands.
 RB Read Background Precipitates an interactive dialog allowing you to read in boundary lines from the RANGS database. See the tutorial section "The RANGS Database".
 RF Read File Reads a file of data, in a particular format, and incorporates the boundary lines defined by the file into the database you are editing. See the tutorial section "ASCII Data Files".
S Show "Shows" ("highlights" would have been a better word, but "H" was already used to mean "Help") a specified area by outlining it (if fill is turned off) or by both filling and outlining it (if fill is turned on), in yellow. (A slightly darker yellow is used for outlining.) Initially, the area is centered in the viewport and extends 99/100ths of the way to either its left and right edges or its bottom and top edges (depending on the area's shape); subsequent commands may move the viewport around but leave the specified area highlighted. A yellow legend is placed at the bottom of the display window, giving information about the highlighted area in much the same way that a pink legend gives information about the picked area.

An area to be highlighted is defined in a somewhat more complicated way than those for "MAN" ("Move Area Named") commands: the idea is to highlight, not just a particular area and its boundaries, but the boundaries of any areas that are part of that area, as determined by following parent pointers. Examples are given below, for specific forms of the command.

Some areas give surprising results: for example, because there are parts of Russia in both hemispheres, highlighting it displays the entire earth.

Because of the way this command works, you have to type (RTRN)s in places where other commands wouldn't require them. You always type an "S", followed by the name of an area, followed by (RTRN), but, if the name is an "I", an "N", an "O", a "P", or any other single character, the command behaves differently.

(This feature was more useful at one time than it is now, but it may still be of some interest.)

 Ss(RTRN) Show "s" If "s" is a string of two or more characters, then what is to be highlighted is any area having the name specified by "s", or a parent having that name, or a parent whose parent has that name, ..., etc. Some examples (using the database "Earth..4"): The command "SAlabama(RTRN)" highlights the state of Alabama and all of its counties; "SJefferson(RTRN)" highlights all the counties of the US having the name Jefferson; "SGeorgia(RTRN)" highlights both the US state called Georgia and the Eurasian country called Georgia.

This command is particularly useful for highlighting problematic areas like Borneo, Indonesia, and Malaysia, which are difficult to fit into a strictly hierarchical structure because they include both islands that are shared by different countries and countries that consist of many different islands.

 SI(RTRN) Show Indexed The editor prompts you for an integer, which you then enter, followed by (RTRN). What is to be highlighted is any area having the index specified by that integer, or with a parent having that index, or with a parent whose parent has that index, ..., etc.
 SN(RTRN) Show Next Just like "SI(RTRN)", but uses an integer value one greater than the last one used. One can use this command to step through the areas defined by a database. Originally, the idea was to examine each in detail, but the sheer number of areas defined by recent databases (6854 for "Earth..4") now makes that use a bit time-consuming.
 SP(RTRN) Show Previous Just like "SI(RTRN)", but uses an integer value one less than the last one used.
 SO(RTRN) Show Off Turns off highlighting specified by previous "S" ("Show") commands.
 SX(RTRN) Show Abort (The "X" stands for any single character except an upper or lower case "I", "N", "O", or "P" - or no character at all.) Aborts the "Show" command.
U Update Updates the display.
V Variables Allows access to the values of six variables, each of which has an effect on the behavior of the editor. The editor shows you the current values of all six and then asks you for new values, one at a time. If you don't want to change a value, just type (RTRN); otherwise, type the new value, followed by (RTRN).
W Write Writes a copy of the database you are editing, with all changes you have made so far. If the name of the database is "X", then the file written has a name like "X..1", "X..2, ... "X..9", "X.10", "X.11", ... "X.99". It tries these file names, in the order shown, until it finds that no file with that name exists. If all of them already exist, it writes the file "X.00". (See the tutorial section describing my standard backup procedure.)
X Examine Gives you statistical information about the database you are editing: the total number of areas, edges, and points, the number of edge segments of each type, and the average lengths of edge segments of each type. Also, if there is a picked edge, this command tells you how many points are on it and the average length of its segments.
Z Zoom Zoom commands.
 ZI/ZnI Zoom In Zooms in. The viewport width is halved except that, if you type a single-digit integer "n" between the "Z" and the "I", the window width is divided by 2**MAX(1,n). If you mistype the desired value of "n", just type the correct value and the mistyped value will be discarded.
 ZO/ZnO Zoom Out Just like "ZI", but zooms out instead of in.

Other Ways to Edit

Some things are easier to do by editing an Ezmap database file directly. For example, if you want to change the names of a bunch of states/provinces, it may be a lot easier to do it with a text editor than to issue all of the "M" ("Move") and "P ("Pick") and "A" ("Area") commands that would be required to do it with the database editor.

The Fortran code of the Ezmap database editor may be a bit daunting, but, if you master it, you can then put one-time edits in it. (You will see a number of these already in the code, now commented out.)

Other Topics to Discuss

Some other topics (some of which imply possible code changes) that need to be discussed are as follows: