Coastline Data - Ronne Ice Shelf

From: Jeff Jonas <jjonas_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 15:09:50 -0400

Hey Folks,

Some scientists I work with have commented that the coastline around
Antarctica (South Pole), that I draw with NCAR Graphics, includes the
Ronne ice shelf as part of that coastline. They were suggesting that this
was probably a mistake, and wanted to know if I had a coastline map
that did not include the Ronne ice shelf.

Has anyone else been questioned about this ??

Is there a way to omit the Ronne ice shelf from the NCAR Graphics
coastline map drawing ?? When I examined the control labels for the
area around Antarctica, I saw no reference to it in the EZmap area
identifiers. Just references to islands around Antarctica.

Also, what was the source for the NCAR Graphic's coastline map ??

Thanx all !

Jeffrey Jonas
NASA/GISS at Columbia University
(212) 678-5532
ncarg-talk mailing list
Received on Tue Sep 30 2008 - 13:09:50 MDT

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