Grayscale problem when converting postscript to tiff

From: Easter, Richard C (Richard.Easter AT
Date: Wed Aug 11 2004 - 13:20:55 MDT

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    I generate grayscale contour plots with postscript output, and they look
    as expected (gray). When I convert a postscript file to tiff, the
    resulting tiff file has a blue tint when printed. I've tried several
    conversion methods (Illustrator, Photoshop, and LINUX convert utility)
    and all produce the blue tint.

    I've tried producing the postscript using metafile and ctrans, versus
    producing it directly from my Fortran program, with same results.

    Any suggestions?

    -- Dick Easter

    Richard C. Easter
    Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change, MSIN K9-30
    Battelle, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
    P. O. Box 999
    Richland, WA 99352 USA

    email: richard.easter AT unknown
    phone: (509)372-6175
    fax: (509)372-6168

    ncarg-talk mailing list
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